I’m here in the Jackson Evers International Airport in Jackson, Mississippi with my fellow NAACP members (all 2 of them) waiting for our advisor to come and pick us up with the rental car. We flew out of North Carolina at 6 am and got here in MS at 8. Because he had a different flight, we were faced with the decision to either wait for him or to pay for a taxi to take us to our hotel. Now entering into the fourth hour of waiting for him to arrive with the car, we are beginning to feel the gravity of our cheapness.
We’ve already eaten. We had breakfast all around. We were looking over the entire menu but when we were told that they were only serving breakfast here at the On Stage Bar and Grill, that quickly narrowed our selections. The food was great. Or it could possibly be that we had all been up since about 3:30 without anything to eat. We were starving, and a nice leather boot might have done the job, as long as it were topped with shoelaces.
And we’ve slept. Right here in the restaurant we closed our eyes and curled up…or stretched out (whichever worked for the respective person). I caught some sleep on the first flight out, before our layover in Atlanta. It’s sad really. I don’t even remember takeoff. One moment we were on the runway going through all the boring preparations (that’s probably what put me out) and the next, we were up in the air and my mouth was wide open. The sleep was refreshing, but still I needed more. I slept again on the next flight here, this time nudged awake by one of the other members. Apparently my head was about to sail into his ribcage. Thankfully, he saved me the embarrassment of coming to in his lap.
Now, waking from a longer, more fulfilling sleep in between a booth and a table, I feel energized and ready to get out and do something…like go sleep in a bed.
*The date this actually happened.
1 comment:
Your cute "head in ribcage" anecdote reminded me of when I went to the movie theater to see X-Men 3 (don't judge me). The theater was packed, and I ended up sitting next to a ginormous man. Like huge. Not in a super-dooper gross fat way, just in a "I am huge" way.
Anyhoo, about 30 minutes into the movie, he passes the eff out. He ends up lolling his head over, and passes out on top of me. Not just on my shoulder, but his leg was pretty much on my leg, his arm was dangerously close to being inappropriate, and his head was pretty much on my chest. I didn't want to disturb him, he was so peaceful, but once he started snoring, something had to be done. I kept on nudging him rather un-subtle-y, and he would just roll over to this other side for 5 minutes and then end up on top of me again. It was hilarious... and awful at the same time.
I'm sure you are much more pleasant than a giant-man, but the sentiment is still the same. Good job with the not-snoring, batman.
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