Summer is here once again and that of course means summer blockbusters. The casual movie goer has plenty to choose from, but it is the fan-boy(and girl) who has something to go crazy over. This summer audiences will get to see two very popular novels turned into films (Angels and Demons, Harry Potter) and one wildly successful children's book(Where the Wild Things Are). Not to mention seeing some of television and films favorite characters return in J.J. Abrams STAR TREK, and a hilarious looking send up of the 70's classic Land of the Lost, starring Will Ferrel.
When I look at the next few months coming attractions, two words come to mind.
High Expectations.
It's true. In the past I was a bit of a purist. Especially with comic book franchises. For me they have a rich, complex history which must be respected. A few years ago, any deviation would have been complete and utter disrespect to that history. Having Storm lose her African accent felt like having a part of someone I had known for years changed in an instant.
And that is just a minor alteration. In some films, entire back-stories have been changed, or, totally fabricated. But in some instances, these new elements have enhanced film versions. Batman Begins is a good example. The fresh take on Batman's origin breathed life into a dead franchise.
After reading Watchmen and watching the movie, I saw how boring a direct adaptation can be. All the characters were there, the same events, the same costumes...even the same dialogue!
There was nothing new or unexpected. No creativity. No imagination. No reason to watch if you've already read. It was faithful to a fault.
That's what I liked about 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'. This film has gotten less than favorable reviews from fans of the comic and television series. But its mostly thanks to the common argument- "It's not like the book." Ive come to the realization, its not supposed to be. Having read "Origin", the comic that details Wolverine's beginnings, I would have been bored to tears with a shot-by-shot, Watchmen-like, treatment.
'Origins' does just what its supposed to and takes a well known character and fleshes him out with a compelling back story. A story full of tragedy, hefted up to a near Shakespearean level by the romance in the film, as well as a few twists. Twists I did not see coming because the film maker, Gavin Hood, deigned to do something different. And I thank him
When I watched with my family opening weekend, we were blown away, seeing some puzzle pieces fall into place as well as being surprised. Sometimes on the edge of our seat, sometimes clutching ourselves, sometimes each other, barely even wanting to blink at some parts (see fight scene toward the end). It was a complete movie experience.
So if something you've read or known in a different form is being shown in a theater near you, take some time before you go, if you go, to leave your version of it behind before you watch. I did with Wolverine. And despite what people are saying, I still recommend it...claws and all.